Looking for a life as a GP and a place to learn?
Be part of our NHS. Together we can prepare you for your working life as a GP. There are lots of opportunities as we develop into a more modern, patient focussed NHS in North Lancashire and South Cumbria.
Excellent educational environments provided by trainers with many years of experience and knowledge. Our schemes have smaller numbers allowing a personal approach to learning and education, coupled with an excellent record in assisting our trainees to pass the MRCGP. What more could you ask for?
Your supervisor will be one of our GP educators, a member of an engaging, lively and well-motivated team. Many of our practices are often asked to assist in cases where intensive support is needed for a trainee to complete their final assessments, an endorsement of our skills, patience and persistence.
General Practices’ are expanding now to provide additional training capacity to accommodate the possible future expansion to GP training. We run regular sessions for our trainers, we know the value of leading by example. Our trainers give the level of commitment we expect from you.
You could be working alongside senior local GPs, hospital Doctors and Nurses, at the Royal Lancaster Infirmary, North Lancashire, or Furness General Hospital, in Cumbria.
Life in the Bay
Beautiful countryside, rural towns, rich history, and great transport links.
With such a diverse landscape, there are plenty of family activities in Cumbria and Lancashire so you can turn your hand to old and new skills. Experience the beauty of the Lakeland countryside and its changing seasons, take a leisurely trip on Coniston in a kayak, or find inspiration on a bike ride through some of the most stunning views in the world.
There’s more!
There are great prospects for career development as a partner, a salaried GP or a GP with portfolio working in multiple settings such as the Hospital or University.
The Programme: Three, six month posts in hospital, a six month integrated training post and a twelve month placement as an ST3 in a GP Practice.
Posts available in South Cumbria
Accident & Emergency
Care of the Elderly
Integrated Training Posts
Obstetrics & Gynaecology
Palliative Care
Posts available in Lancaster
Accident & Emergency
Care of the Elderly
Obstetrics & Gynaecology
GP+ Posts:
Palliative Care
Study: Small groups allow each learner to develop at their own pace within a flexible programme. Self direction and group work is encouraged using experiential and problem based methods. Our trainees have an excellent record in passing the MRCGP which we attribute to the excellent support and care that our education specialists provide.
In-depth full study days: Ethics, Critical Reading & Statistics, Eyes, ENT and Palliative Care.
Web Addresses:
University Hospitals of Morecambe Bay www.uhmb.nhs.uk
North Lancashire teaching PCT www.northlancshealth.nhs.uk
NHS Cumbria Trust www.cumbria.nhs.uk
Recent Posts
To be honest, I have always found lectures to be a challenge. Most lectures often require intense and sustained concentration….
For more information on training at Morecambe Bay please contact: Lancaster – Helen.Gardner@mbht.nhs.uk Barrow – Jo.Smith@mbht.nhs.uk / Weronika.Scott@mbht.nhs.uk
For more information on training at Morecambe Bay please contact: Lancaster – Leanne.McManoman@mbht.nhs.uk Barrow – Jo.Smith@mbht.nhs.uk